

Steven Spurrier marker

Steven Spurrier
Micu Ioana

Peter McCombie MW marker

Peter McCombie MW

Mihai Oprea marker

...I will share with you five reasons for looking forward to opening day and time:

because Cluj. If you know what i mean…
because every minute spent by the consumer and the exhibitor must be dedicated to the exchange of information about wine, not solving logistics and organizational problems, and in this sense all the experience of the many fairs and festivals was put together by the organizing team to prevent all the usual problems (dirty glasses, ice failure, the smell of food, wardrobe, water for rinsing glasses, wine storage at the right temperature, etc., etc.);
because the space dedicated to the fair will be one of the most elegant and chic in which such an event took place in Romania - old Casino building in Cluj-Napoca Central Park: it has style, it was newly renovated, it is spacious, and inspires elegance;
for the interesting events that will be announced soon and will complement the classic visits to stands: master-classes, round tables, workshops and comparative tastings ;
because it will be a true regional event, engaging wine lovers communities not only in Cluj, but also from all over Transylvania.

And not to forget that if every wine producer will bring an average of five labels, this will raise enough interesting wines to make your mouth water and to fill to the full the three days.

Mihai Oprea
Blogger - Vinul de Cluj

Eniko Negele marker

We are not born with the passion for wine. We learn it. Therefore, at Corso Cafe & Bistro, for more than four years we teach lessons about local wines to our customers. We are very happy that every year there are more and more wine growing regions that show their potential, there are more and more people dedicated to creating wines with passion and thus more and more quality wines. Therefore the number of consumers has increased considerably and that can only optimize the ratio between quality and quantity. The concept of "WineUp" is an Initiative which supports a vision we also share: to bring together the winemakers passion and the consumers. We strongly recommend to re / discover local flavors and meet the people behind the glasses.

Eniko Negele
Bistro Corso

Teodor Breazu marker

When you taste a wine is as if you make a foray into a closer or distant history. A sip of wine and suddenly you walk through the vineyards, feel the warmth of the sun and cold drops of rain, hear the stories of those who cared for the vineyard, participate in discussions in the coolness of the cellar and would be able to recognize with pleasure the voice of a oenologist who arranges the winery.
Then you realize that these are all your friends and you have the chance to see them again in Cluj at WineUp, in a beautiful spring that will surely write a new page in the journal. The wine Journal.

Teodor Breazu

Jutka Borde marker

Wine is a story. When the story turns into passion and you bring your soul into it, like Ioana Bidian Micu does, the projects turn into special events. Every thing we build starts with a first step, we take this step in 2015.
Passion for beautiful things does not come from birth , but it evolves and grow with time.
I highly recommend this event where we will re / discover wines together with the people who believe in this concept.

Jutka Borde
Casa Barolo

Essi Avellan MW marker

Essi Avellan MW

Ioana Bidian Micu marker

A passion, a dream that turned into a project , this is how 2015 starts for me. I put everything together: wine, art, cuisine, details, professionalism, events that combines all these elements in harmony. Today I want to introduce a new concept offered by ArtVinium :WineUp Fair in Transylvania in Cluj in March A dream built together with friends , a dream that i want to live it together with you.

Ioana Bidian Micu
Managing Director - Artvinium

Bogdan Curutiu marker

In a changing world, I managed to be surprised again and again by Ioana and about how she made every tasting unique. And not because the wine was wine, the art was present and snacks invited us to one more glass ... but for what I felt every time. I see a woman who always reminds me that when you do things with passion, we do what we like, life gives us a chance not to feel like we are working. And I feel free to do what I feel and what i like.

Bogdan Curutiu
Asociatia Papilio

Sorin Tirt marker

I was thinking that we humans are like fruit for others ... When you give an exotic fruit that you do not know, you're really curious, right? It draws you, color is beautiful, has a nice form to the touch, smells nice, it looks appetizing and full of flavor ... but you do not know! It is what you think about it, and you can not find out what it's like until you taste it ... We could like it or not! We do not know until we taste it ...we might be very excited or very disappointed ... This is how we are, and there is nothing we can do about it ... this is how we started this life with good and bad. If Eve would not have tasted that sinfull apple ... we would be still angels! But we are all humans and we like fruits ... " Not to bore you with talk of brand identity and visual communication, I decided to put here this text that I wrote sometime in the past. And I decided that because I thought it would be representative for WineUP, for wines ... and especially for people who believe in their dreams!

Sorin Tirt
Director Creativ - TD Studio

Kormos Zoltan marker

Monday Black Babeasca tasting with friends, Tuesday portuguese wine tasting at a fancy wine bar Wednesday moldavian wine tasting in a shop. On Thursday wine tasting in Somló (Hungary) in a professional club ... And the weekend is still far ...
It's very nice in Cluj, where I have so many options, where and with whom I always find someone to share a glass of wine with. It will be even nicer at WineUp, where you have a choice at hundreds of wines, interesting masterclasses and where I will get a chance to meet with a lot of people at least as passionate about wine as me.
I am sure that Wine Up will be the beginning of a new chapter in the history of wine fairs in Romania. The level of organization of presentations will be nothing less than similar events organized in the west. Regarding wines, things are a bit more nuanced, but we all must understand that wine is a dance, attended equally by the one that makes it together with the one who drinks it. And what better place to dance other than the Casino in Cluj at WineUp?

Kormos Zoltan

Rares V. Dragan, Ciprian Comsulea marker

Wine ... attracts you, surrounds you, it gets you up or down ...
We all look for well being often achieved by fine things, good wine in a pleasant atmosphere with great people around. This experience fits perfectly in Cluj - a city that integrates the social with urbanism, where culture its always present, where innovation brings effervescence, where good wine surrounds you.

Rares V. Dragan, Ciprian Comsulea
Transylvania Evolution